Biology of Aquatic Resources
focusing on ecological studies on coral reef fishes and on fisheries resources in the Seto Inland Sea
Gushima K, Murakami Y 1976 The reef fish fauna of Kuchierabu, offshore island of southern Japan. Journal of the Faculty of Fisheries and Animal Husbandary, Hiroshima University 15: 47-56 (広島大学学術情報リポジトリからダウンロード可)
具島健二・近藤潔・村上豊 1977 磯魚の科組成の日周変化. Journal of the Faculty of Fisheries and Animal Husbandary, Hiroshima University16: 151-156(広島大学学術情報リポジトリからダウンロード可)
具島健二・村上豊 1977 口永良部島の本村湾における磯魚の種類組成. Journal of the Faculty of Fisheries and Animal Husbandary, Hiroshima University 16: 107-114(広島大学学術情報リポジトリからダウンロード可)
具島健二・村上豊 1978 口永良部島の本村湾における磯魚の垂直分布. Journal of the Faculty of Fisheries and Animal Husbandary, Hiroshima University 17: 175-189(広島大学学術情報リポジトリからダウンロード可)
具島健二・村上豊 1979 口永良部島における磯魚の混群. Journal of the Faculty of Fisheries and Animal Husbandary, Hiroshima University 18: 103-121(広島大学学術情報リポジトリからダウンロード可)
具島健二 1981 口永良部島における磯魚の採餌生態に関する研究. Journal of the Faculty of Applied Biological Science, Hiroshima University 20: 35-63(広島大学学術情報リポジトリからダウンロード可)
野田幹雄・具島健二・角田俊平 1990 口永良部島におけるオヤビッチャAbudefduf vaigiensisの成長に伴う採餌様式の変化. 日本生態学会誌 40: 7-17(J-STAGEからダウンロード可能)
具島健二・羽澄義穂・角田俊平 1991 口永良部島におけるヤマブキベラThalassoma lutescensの成長に伴う食性と採餌行動の変化. 魚類学雑誌 38: 307-313(J-STAGEからダウンロード可能)
Noda M, Kawabata K, Gushima K, Kakuda S 1992 Importance of zooplankton patches in foraging ecology of the plamktivorous reef fish Chromis chrysurus (Pomacentridae) at Kuchinoerabu Island, Japan. Marine Ecology Progress Series 87: 251-263
渋野拓郎・橋本博明・具島健二 1993 カノコベラの産卵場所の水流環境. Journal of the Faculty of Applied Biological Science, Hiroshima University 32: 87-92(広島大学学術情報リポジトリからダウンロード可)
Shibuno T, Chiba I, Gushima K, Kakuda S, Hashimoto H 1993 Reproductive behavior of the wrasse, Halichoeres marginatus, at Kuchierabu-jima. Japanese Journal of Ichthyology 40: 351-359(J-STAGEからダウンロード可能)
野田幹雄 1993 サンゴ礁・岩礁域における動物プランクトン食魚類の採餌戦略ー餌資源の動態把握の視点から. 生物科学 45(2): 74-86
渋野拓郎・村上寛・橋本博明・具島健二 1993 口永良部島におけるニシキベラThalassoma cupidoの成長に伴う食性と採餌行動の変化. Journal of the Faculty of Applied Biological Science, Hiroshima University 32: 93-100(広島大学学術情報リポジトリからダウンロード可)
Shibuno T, Gushima K, Kakuda S 1993 Female spawning migrations of the protogynous wrasse, Halichoeres marginatus. Japanese Journal of Ichthyology 39: 357-362(J-STAGEからダウンロード可能)
Yukihira H, Shibuno T, Hashimoto H, Gushima K 1994 Feeding habits of moray eels (Pisces: Muraenidae) at Kuchierabu-jima. Journal of the Faculty of Applied Biological Science, Hiroshima University 33: 159-166(広島大学学術情報リポジトリからダウンロード可)
Shibuno T, Hashimoto H, Gushima K 1994 Changes with growth in feeding habits and gravel turning behavior of the wrasse, Coris gaimard. Japanese Journal of Ichthyology 41: 301-306(J-STAGEからダウンロード可能)
渋野拓郎・緒方信一・橋本博明・具島健二 1994 口永良部島におけるブダイの繁殖行動. Journal of the Faculty of Applied Biological Science, Hiroshima University 33: 37-41(広島大学学術情報リポジトリからダウンロード可)
渋野拓郎・千葉功・橋本博明・具島健二 1994 口永良部島におけるヤマブキベラの繁殖行動. Journal of the Faculty of Applied Biological Science, Hiroshima University 33: 43-50(広島大学学術情報リポジトリからダウンロード可)
具島健二・渋野拓郎・橋本博明 1994 口永良部島におけるメギスの採餌生態. Journal of the Faculty of Applied Biological Science, Hiroshima University 33: 167-172(広島大学学術情報リポジトリからダウンロード可)
Noda M. Gushima K, Kakuda S 1994 Local prey search based on spatial memory and expectation in the planktivorous reef fish, Chromis chrysurus (Pomacentridae). Animal Behaviour 47: 1413-1422
渋野拓郎・千葉功・橋本博明・具島健二 1995 ヤマブキベラの繁殖縄張獲得行動. Journal of the Faculty of Applied Biological Science, Hiroshima University 34: 179-183(広島大学学術情報リポジトリからダウンロード可)
渋野拓郎・重田利拓・阿部寧・藤田矗・橋本博明・具島健二 1996 口永良部島におけるトラギス科・エソ科魚類の食性. Journal of the Faculty of Applied Biological Science, Hiroshima University 35: 105-111(広島大学学術情報リポジトリからダウンロード可)
野田幹雄・池田至・橋本博明・具島健二 1996 口永良部島におけるシコクスズメダイChromis margaritiferとソラスズメダイPomacentrus coelestisの採餌生態. Journal of the Faculty of Applied Biological Science, Hiroshima University 35: 113-123(広島大学学術情報リポジトリからダウンロード可)
渋野拓郎・橋本博明・具島健二 1997 口永良部島におけるベラ科魚類の採餌生態. Journal of the Faculty of Applied Biological Science, Hiroshima University 36: 51-56(広島大学学術情報リポジトリからダウンロード可)
渋野拓郎・竹内直子・橋本博明・具島健二 1998 口永良部島における魚食性魚類の餌分類群とサイズ組成. Journal of the Faculty of Applied Biological Science, Hiroshima University 37: 17-21(広島大学学術情報リポジトリからダウンロード可)
Noda M, Ikeda I, Ueno S, Hashimoto H, Gushima K 1998 Enrichment of coastal zooplankton communities by drifting zooplankton patches from the Kuroshio front. Marine Ecology Progress Series 170: 55-65
Takeuchi N, Hashimoto H, Gushima K 2002 Short-term foraging patterns of individual cornetfish, Fistularia commersonii, based on stomach content analysis. Ichthyological Research 49: 76-80
Takayanagi S, Sakai Y, Hashimoto H, Gushima K 2003 Sleeping mound construction using coral fragments by the rockmover wrasse. Journal of Fish Biology 63: 1352-1356
Takeuchi N, Kai H, Kadota T, Himeno N, Kobayashi K, Shimizu N, Gushima K 2005 Diets of 28 fish species from 12 families at Kuchierabu-jima Island. Journal of the Graduate School of Biosphere Science, Hiroshima University 44: 15-24(広島大学学術情報リポジトリからダウンロード可)
Hirayama S, Sakai Y, Hashimoto H, Gushima K 2005 Fish-egg predation by the small clingfish Pherallodichthys meshimaensis (Gobiesocidae) on the shallow reefs of Kuchierabu-jima Island, southern Japan. Environmental Biology of Fishes 73: 237-242
Shimizu N, Sakai Y, Hashimoto H, Gushima K 2006 Terrestrial reproduction by the air-breathing fish Andamia tetradactyla (Pisces; Blenniidae) on supralittoral reefs. Journal of Zoology (London) 269: 357-364
Fujita O, Sakai Y, Hashimoto H, Gushima K 2006 Reproductive behavior of the largemouth triplefin, Ucla xenogrammus (Tripterygiidae) on reefs of Kuchierabu-jima Island, southern Japan. Ichthyological Research 53: 415-418
Takeuchi N, Gushima K 2006 Promiscuous spawning behaviour of the tropical herring Spratelloides gracilis. Journal of Fish Biology 68: 310-317
Takeuchi N, Saeki T, Sakai Y, Hashimoto H 2007 Diets of 45 fish species from 17 families at Kuchierabu-jima Island. Journal of the Graduate School of Biosphere Science, Hiroshima University 46: 5-13(広島大学学術情報リポジトリからダウンロード可)
Barros B, Sakai Y, Hashimoto H, Gushima K 2008 Feeding behaviors of leaf-like juveniles of the round batfish Platax orbicularis (Ephippidae) on reefs of Kuchierabu-jima Island, southern Japan. Journal of Ethology 26: 287-293
Kadota T, Sakai Y, Hashimoto H, Gushima K 2010 Diel and lunar spawning periodicity of the hawkfish Paracirrhites forsteri (Cirrhitidae) on the reefs of Kuchierabu-jima Island, southern Japan. Ichthyological Research 57: 102-106
清水則雄・原 政子・坂井陽一・橋本博明・具島健二 2011 陸上産卵魚ヨダレカケの卵表面の微細構造. 魚類学雑誌 58: 75-79(J-STAGEからダウンロード可能)
Barros B, Sakai Y, Hashimoto H, Gushima K 2011 Effects of prey density in the nocturnal zooplankton predation through ontogeny of juvenile Platax orbicularis (Teleostei: Ephippidae). Environmental Biology of Fishes 91: 177-183
Kadota T, Osato J, Hashimoto H, Sakai Y 2011 Harem structure and female territoriality in the dwarf hawkfish Cirrhitichthys falco (Cirrhitidae). Environmental Biology of Fishes 92: 79-88
Kadota T, Osato J, Nagata K, Sakai Y 2012 Reversed sex change in the haremic protogynous hawkfish Cirrhitichthys falco in natural conditions. Ethology 118: 1-9
Barros B, Sakai Y, Hashimoto H, Gushima K, Vallinoto M 2012 'Better off alone than in bad company': agonistic colour display in mimetic juveniles of two ephippid species. Journal of Fish Biology 81: 1032–1042
木村祐貴・和西昭仁・坂井陽一・橋本博明・具島健二 2014 鹿児島県口永良部島の岩礁性タイドプールの魚類相.Fauna Ryukyuana 11: 1-7
Barros B, Sakai Y, Pereira PHC, Gasset E, Buchet V, Maamaatuaiahutapu M, Ready JS, Oliveira Y, Giarrizzo T, Vallinoto M 2015 Comparative allometric growth of the mimetic ephippid Reef Fishes Chaetodipterus faber and Platax orbicularis. PLOS ONE DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0143838
Kimura Y, Sakai Y 2016 Emergence behavior of a tide pool fish Praealticus tanegasimae (Teleostei; Blenniidae) on subtropical reefs. Journal of Ethology 34: 175–181
Tsuboi M, Sakai Y 2016 Polygamous mating system and protogynous sex change in the gobiid fish Fusigobius neophytus. Journal of Ethology 34: 263–275
Kadota T, Sakai Y 2016 Mating system of the freckled hawkfish, Paracirrhites forsteri (Cirrhitidae) on Kuchierabu-jima Island reefs. Environmental Biology of Fishes 99: 761– 769
Queiroz AC, Sakai Y, Vallinoto M, Barros, B 2016 Morphometric comparisons of plant-mimetic juvenile fish associated with plant debris observed in the coastal subtropical waters around Kuchierabu-jima Island, southern Japan. PeerJ 4: e2268
木村祐貴・日比野友亮・三木涼平・峯苫健・小枝圭太(編)2017 緑の火山島 口永良部島の魚類.鹿児島大学総合研究博物館,鹿児島市 200pp
Sakanoue R, Sakai Y 2019 Dual social structures in harem-like colony groups of the coral-dwelling damselfish Dascyllus reticulatus depending on body size and sheltering coral structures. Journal of Ethology DOI:10.1007/s10164-019-00584-8
Koide Y, Sakai Y 2021 Feeding habits of the white-spotted boxfish Ostracion meleagris reveal a strong preference for colonial ascideans. Ichthyological Research DOI:10.1007/s10228-021-00800-x
Sakanoue R, Sakai Y 2022 Cryptic bachelor sex change in haremic colonial groups of the coral-dwelling damselfish Dascyllus reticulatus. Journal of Ethology 40:181-192
Koide Y, Sakai Y 2022 Male territory-visiting polygamy of the white-spotted boxfish Ostracion meleagris (Ostraciidae) involving daily spawning migration. Environmental Biology of Fishes 105:1165-1178
Kadota T, Shimizu N, Tsuboi M, Barros B, Sakai Y, Hashimoto H, Gushima K 2024 Change in the subtidal reef fish assemblage at Kuchierabu-jima Island, southern Japan, between 1972 and 2005. Ichthyological Research DOI: 10.1007/s10228-024-00963-3
阿部健志郎・清和凌河・坂井陽一・古𣘺龍星・本村浩之 2024 口永良部島から得られた南限更新記録2種を含む魚類57種の記録.Ichthy 45 DOI: 10.34583/ichthy.45.0_1
Seiwa R, Kato M, Nakaguchi K, Sakai Y 2024 Presence of a bisexual gonad: implications for protogynous sex change in the white-edged lyretail Variola albimarginata (Serranidae). Journal of Ichthyology DOI: 10.1134/S0032945224700498